We do more than feed hungry students at Lapeer Community School District. We improve the well-being of our students by preparing fresh, delicious, and nutritious meals they love. We engage students and all their senses through the creation of new and fresh dining experiences that improve their school day. Our wide variety of menu items, programs and initiatives nourish student's bodies, minds, and spirits.
More than 4,000 students take part in the district's Food Service Program which is supported by the National School Lunch Program and meets the U.S.D.A. nutrition standards
Meals include entree choices, fresh fruits, and vegetables, milk, al a carte beverage, and snacks. Menus are published in elementary newsletters and posted in secondary schools. Interactive menus are available online.
Breakfast and lunch are available free or at a reduced price for qualifying students. LCS provides a Universal Breakfast free of charge to all students.
Paper and online applications are available for free and reduced meals and can be completed at any point during the school year.
To apply online, (preferred method). Contact the Food Service Department for your username and password. If you do not know your log in information, please contact the Food Service Secretary at (810) 538-1648.
To extend our passion, dedication, knowledge and enthusiasm into serving each student delicious and nutritious meals. To nourish the bodies, minds and spirits of our students and pave the way for a lifetime of success and well-being.
What does "eat. learn. live." mean?
eat. We improve the well-being of our students by preparing fresh, delicious and nutritious meals they love. We engage students and all of their senses through the creation of new and fresh dining experiences that improve their school day.
learn. We build sharp minds and strong bodies with a healthful, balanced approach to school dining. We share our knowledge of the life-enhancing benefits of good nutrition with students, our families and our communities.
live. We enrich the lives of our students and the communities we live through socially responsible and sustainability best practices. We are planting the seeds of health and wellness