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COVID Reporting

Confirmed & Probable School-Associated Cases

“School Associated Case” means a case of probable or confirmed COVID-19 among students, teachers, staff members, coaches, volunteers, or any other person who was present on school property or at a school function under circumstances that may result in the transmission or contraction of COVID-19 during their infectious period.
 Current School-Associated Positive Cases 97
 Current School-Associated Probable Cases* 1
 Total School-Associated Positive Cases 515
Data for period beginning July 1, 2021.   

Last updated January 28, 2022

* Probable cases require confirmed close contact with a positive case and two or more COVID-19 symptoms.“Close Contact” means any individual who was within 6 feet of an COVID-19 infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from two days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, two days prior to positive specimen collection).
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