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Employee Health Assistance Program


Click here for the 2014-15 E.H.A.P. Pamphlet

Lapeer Community Schools employee groups jointly have developed an Employee Health and Assistance Program (E.H.A.P.). This program is designed to cover all employees and their immediate families and does not exclude any organizational level or group.

The objectives of this program are to:

• prevent problems by promoting activities designed to enhance the health and wellness of employees and their families;

• develop a confidential and voluntary consultation, referral and treatment service for all Lapeer community School employees and their family members who are experiencing problems which affect employee job performance and/or the general well being (e.g. alcoholism and other drug abuse; mental, marital, family, physical, and financial problems).

It is expected that through this program employees who suspect that they may have a medical or personal problem which is likely to contribute to the deterioration of job performance, even in its early stages, will be encouraged to seek assistance and follow through with the prescribed treatment or corrective activities.

E.H.A.P. representatives volunteer their services so that E.H.A.P. virtually is cost-free to the District. Also, representatives do not have the professional qualifications or expertise to remediate the medical or personal problems of individuals in need of assistance.

E.H.A.P. representatives help to (1) identify the specific nature of the employee’s problems; (2) help motivate the employee to seek outside professional assistance for his or her problems, and (3) facilitate a link-up for the employee with appropriate assistance or treatment resource.

The handling of all specific problems will be confidential, and the privacy of personal records of individuals will be preserved except in the event of life-threatening situations or abuse/neglect of children.

An employee’s job security should not be jeopardized by the decision to seek intervention services. However, an E.H.A.P. representative cannot supersede or interfere with administrative practices and work rules relating to job misconduct.

Persons participating in this program will be expected to meet existing job performance standards and established work employee/employer agreements and guidelines.

Nothing pertaining to E.H.A.P. is to be interpreted as constituting a waiver of the administration’s right to maintain discipline or the right to take disciplinary measures within the framework of collective bargaining agreements and employee rules, regulations and policy.

The decision to request help for diagnosis, accept advisory assistance, and/or to seek treatment for the various problems which affect job performance is the personal responsibility of the individual.

Any expense for diagnostic or treatment service will be borne by the employee or may be covered by employee medical insurance.

For additional information or a CONFIDENTIAL appointment, contact your building or department E.H.A.P. representative or one of the following E.H.A.P. ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS:

Roxanne North 667-2433
Jennifer Putnam 667-2438
Kim Seifferly 667-2401

Kristen Wilcox 667-2423

E.H.A.P. was originated in 1991-92 as the result of the interest and efforts of Pam Markgraf, LCS teacher from 1980 – 1997. E.H.A.P. continues in her memory.

Pam Markgraf (1944-1997)
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