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Legal Notices

Parents Right to Know

Any parent/guardian of an LCS student may request and be provided information regarding the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers, including the following: highly qualified status, qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas taught, the baccalaureate degree major/graduate certification and the field of discipline of the certification/degree, and information about any emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived. In addition, a parent/guardian may request information about the highly qualified status and the qualifications of paraprofessionals providing support to his/her child. Requests for teacher or paraprofessional qualifications must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director for Human Resources at Lapeer Community Schools Administration and Services Center.

Parent involvement policy

As buildings receiving federal Title I dollars, Lynch Elementary, Mayfield Elementary and Schickler Elementary each maintain a parent involvement policy that, after being collaboratively reviewed annually, is provided to all families in the fall of each year.  Please contact the school office for an additional copy of the building’s Title I parent involvement policy.  In addition to these building policies, Lapeer Community Schools annually reviews the Title I parent involvement district policy.  For a copy, please visit the following link on our district website:  Lastly, a copy of the board approved parent involvement policy for all Lapeer Community Schools can be located at the following link:
Annual pesticide notification

Click here for Parent Letter

Lapeer Community Schools has adopted an Integrated Pest Management program. Inherent with this are the District’s efforts to reduce pesticide use as much as possible. While it may occasionally be necessary to apply a pesticide, these will only be used as a last resort. This program does not rely on routine pesticide applications to resolve problems. We use various techniques such as habitat alteration, sanitation, mechanical means, exclusion, etc. to prevent pests from becoming a problem.

You will receive advanced notice of the application of a pesticide, other than bait or gel formulations, at your child’s school. This advanced notice of the application will be given 48 hours before the application. The law requires us to do this notification by using two methods. The first method required by the law is the posting at the primary entrances to your child’s school. The entrances that will be posted are those entrances that have a sidewalk that leads directly to a parking lot. The second method we are going to use is the posting in a common area located by the main office of the school. Parents are also entitled to receive this notice by first-class United States mail postmarked at least three (3) days before the application.

If you would like to be notified by mail, please contact the Operations Department by calling (810) 538-1622 or sending an email to [email protected]. Please provide your name, mailing address, and what school your child attends.

In an emergency (for example, bees nest), pesticides may be applied without prior notice, but you will be provided notice following any such application. You may review our Integrated Pest Management program or pesticide application records for your child’s school by calling or emailing Joe Wood, the District’s Director of Health and Safety, at (810) 538-1658 or email [email protected]. This number or e-mail may also be used when school is not in regular session.
Annual asbestos notification
During the spring of 1989, Lapeer Community Schools filed its asbestos containing building materials management plan with the Michigan Department of Public Health. Prior to that time, all Lapeer Community School District buildings were inspected by an accredited inspector of Clayton Environmental Consultants, Inc. Since that initial inspection, the Lapeer Community School District has done extensive projects, periodic inspections and an in-depth three-year re-inspection in accordance with standards established by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The District’s management plan specifies areas where asbestos has been and will be handled. All school district maintenance and custodial staff have been trained in the special operations and maintenance involved with managing asbestos containing materials. Current inspections indicated that some asbestos-containing building materials are located in the following buildings: Administration Building, Cramton, Lynch, Maple Grove, Mayfield, Schickler, Turrill, Lapeer High School, Center for Innovative - West Campus, Rolland-Warner and Zemmer.

A copy of the individual building management plan, the district management plan, and the three-year re-inspection report are available in the main office of every school building and the Lapeer Community Schools’ Administration and Services Center, 250 Second Street, Lapeer, MI 48446.
Annual Notification of Rights
The educational records of any student enrolled in the Lapeer Community Schools District are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. A parent or eligible student (one who has attained the age of 18 or is in a post-secondary educational institution) may, and is encouraged to, read the records. The review may be done by calling the school or the Administration and Services Center and arranging for an appointment. A member of the staff will accompany the reviewer to provide explanation and interpretation as required. If the parent or eligible student feels some portion of the record is inadequate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy or other rights of the student, he/she may ask that the record be amended. If satisfaction is not achieved at the building or department level, a hearing will be held on the matter upon request. Following the decision of the hearing officer, if satisfaction is not achieved, a written explanation of the rationale for challenging that record may be added to the record. Copies of educational records will be provided to parents or eligible students upon request. A charge may be made to cover the cost of the copies.

The principal of each building or the department supervisor is charged with the responsibility of maintaining and safeguarding the educational records.

Employees of the District in the areas of instruction, special services, administration, research/evaluation and student records are authorized to have
access to records in the educational interest of the student. This would include the student’s academic, physical, social, and vocational decisions. Any other person, except those agencies specified, must have the signed consent of the parent or eligible student to gain access to the educational records. The district will release educational records to another school where the student seeks to enroll, upon request. Parents of eligible students are encouraged to review records prior to them being released. The following educational records of students are maintained:
• Student Cumulative Records contain directory information, medical, educational, psychological and attendance information. They are maintained at the building in which the student is enrolled.
• Transportation directions, which contain home addresses, alternate addresses, and current details about handling of the child, are maintained by the bus driver at the school attended by the student.
• Emergency cards, which contain information on how to reach parents, are maintained at the building in which the student is enrolled.
• Accident reports, which contain information of any accident that occurs, are maintained at the building in which the student is enrolled.
• Central registry which contains directory information, type of handicap, date of referral, the service rendered, including dates of initiation and termination, the name, address, and telephone number of the parent and the district of residence (this is not a part of the educational record) is maintained by the office of the Director of Special Education, Lapeer County Intermediate School District.

Parents or eligible students have the right to file a complaint with The Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act office, United States Department of Education, Switzer Building, Room 4512, 330 C. Street SW., Washington DC, 20202, telephone (202) 245-0233, concerning an alleged failure of the school district to comply with the requirements of the Act.
Directory Information

The following personally identifiable information is declared to be Directory
Information: student’s name, address, phone number, photograph/video, sex,
participation in official school activities, weight and height if in athletics, dates
of attendance, diplomas and honors received, and latest school attended.
This information will be released at the discretion of the superintendent or
designee without consent of the parent or eligible students unless the district receives a signed directive. A form for this purpose is available.

An amendment to the Freedom of Information Act that took effect on August
1, 2002 provides for the district to take steps to ensure that Directory Information is not used for surveys, marketing, or solicitation.
Annual education information

Please visit our district website,, and click on the link to the individual school page. From the school page, click the “Annual Education Report” link under the “About our School” tab. Select from the list to view a building or district Annual Education Report for 2022-23.

A hard copy of the district report and individual building report may be obtained from any school building within the Lapeer Community Schools District or Administration and Services Center. If you have any questions regarding any
information contained within the Annual Education Report, call (810) 538-1644.
Parents can review instructional material

Parents have the right to inspect, upon request, any instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum of the student. The parent will have access to the instructional material within a reasonable period of time after the request is received by the building principal. The term instructional material means instructional content that is provided to a student, regardless of its format, including printed and representational materials, audiovisual materials, and materials in electronic or digital formats (such as materials accessible
through the Internet). The term does not include academic tests or assessments.
Immunization forms must be complete

The Board of Education requires that all students be properly immunized pursuant to the provisions of the State Health Department regulations. Pursuant to the Lapeer County Health Department, students who do not meet the immunization requirements on the opening day of school shall not be admitted. Transfer students shall not be admitted without proof of immunization. Please contact your child’s building secretary to submit or update your child’s immunization record as soon as possible.
Military recruiting representatives

High school students and their parent/guardians may prevent disclosure of a student’s name, address, and telephone number to military recruiting representatives by submitting a signed written request to that effect to the high school principal.
Notice of Non-Discriminatory policy

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 of the United States Congress
specifically states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance with certain exceptions.”

It shall be the policy of the Lapeer Community School District to fully comply with Title IX under guidelines adopted by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and approved by the President of the United States and the United States Congress. The Board of Education, the administration, and the staff of Lapeer Community Schools will seek to take whatever policy and procedure steps necessary to eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex in all education programs, curricular and extracurricular activities, and employment
practices which come under the regulations of Title IX. All students shall have an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all academic and extracurricular activities and services. It is a violation of policy for the district, Board, administration, teachers, or other staff to discriminate against students on the basis of sex or marital or parental status including pregnancy in terms of disciplinary actions, entitlement and provisions of services, selection of courses or programs, counseling services, physical education and athletics.

Likewise, no assistance, such as administrative or staff cooperation, faculty sponsorship, use of school facilities and school time shall be provided to any non-school organization or individual which discriminates on the basis of sex. All employment decisions will be made in a nondiscriminatory manner in relationship to recruitment, hiring, assignment, promotion, transfer, layoff, termination, reinstatement, job clarification, salary and fringe benefits. In addition to compliance with Title IX, all such employment decisions shall be made in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Further, individuals with disabilities may request accommodation(s) needed to successfully complete
the employment application process or essential job functions. In order to facilitate the evaluation of current practices, to investigate complaints, to answer inquiries, and to guide the implementation of compliance efforts, Kim
Seifferly has been appointed the local Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator.
All questions, requests for information, or complaints relating to discrimination
should be directed to Kim Seifferly at the following address:

Lapeer Community Schools
250 Second Street
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: (810) 667-2401

Inquiries concerning the nondiscrimination policy may also be directed to:

U.S. Dept. of Education
Office for Civil Rights,
Customer Service Team
330 C Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202
Fax: 202-205-9862
Email: [email protected]


U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission
1801 L Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20507

The local Coordinator, on request, will provide a copy of the district’s grievance
procedure and is responsible for the investigation of all complaints in accordance with the procedure.

Copies of the Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the regulations on which this notice is based may be found in the Office of the Superintendent, Lapeer Community Schools, 250 Second Street, Lapeer, MI 48446.
MI school safety laws for motorists

Bus stops:
Vehicles must stop no less than 20 feet from a bus displaying flashing red lights and wait until the lights are turned off to proceed – unless the bus is stopped on a divided roadway and the motorist is headed in the opposite direction. The penalty is $185, three points on a person’s driving record, and up to 100 hours of community service at a school. Tickets can be issued to the owner of a vehicle if a bus driver reports the license plate number to police.
School zones:
In marked school zones, vehicles must slow to the posted speed limit 30 minutes before and after school. Penalties for speeding in a school zone are more severe than elsewhere. They are $145 and two points for up to 10 mph over the speed limit, $155 and three points for 11-15 mph over, and $190 and four points for 16-25 mph over.
Child car and booster seats:
Until children are 8 years old or 4-feet-9 inches they must use either a proper-fitting child safety seat or booster seat that is properly installed. In addition to the booster seat, a child must use both a lap and shoulder belt under the law that went into effect on July 1, 2008. For more information on child seat laws
go to:

Annual Notice Personal Curriculum - MMC

This is the Annual Notice of the Right to Request a Personal Curriculum (PC) Modifying Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) requirements for Graduation with a Regular High School Diploma. 

Click here for more information

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